Join the Hunt

Welcome to Chicago Scavenger! I’m glad you’re here and I hope that you will have as much fun completing this quest as I have had in creating it for you.

  1. You’ll need a copy of the book Chicago Scavenger. If you don’t have one, you can order it here.
  2. Start solving the riddles! They are laid out by neighborhood. Once you solve a riddle, make sure you take a picture at the site.
  3. As you solve the riddles, you can enter your answers and upload your photos here. For every correct answer (both what the riddle is referring to and an image of it), you will get one point.
  4. I will update the leaderboard regularly, so check back and see where you stand!

The first winners will receive a custom Chicago Scavenger poster created by super-talented local illustrator Jason Swearingen and screen printed in Chicago by Salty Broad Press!

That’s how the hunt works.  Please be sure to be safe and kind to yourself and others. Have fun and happy hunting!


342Anna – Completed the hunt!
71Annie Rocket
18Bill & Sue
7Team CozyBoy
6Maggie & Mikey
4Team Sor Juana
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